Green Steel Blog

Increased energy efficiency

The modernised dedusting fans consume almost 50 % less electrical energy.

During the melting process, large quantities of dust are generated as a result of the production process. For decades, we have therefore been filtering the air in the electric steelworks and ensuring that our production does not harm the environment. Our dedusting system has been continuously expanded since it was commissioned, making it more efficient. Starting with two filter rows, the air now passes through five filter rows before we release it cleaned into the exhaust air.

Our plant is committed to conserving resources, is planning extensive modernisations in this regard and is gradually implementing them. One of these projects is the modernisation of the dedusting fans, which has now been successfully completed. We have installed new motors, transformers, fan wheels for the dedusting fans, the associated control and electrical technology and water-cooled frequency converters, which adjust the speed of the fan motors to current requirements.

View of the system with 3 small transformer stations for operating the frequency converters

The measured and calculated savings in electrical energy amount to over 30,000 kWh per day, which corresponds to the annual consumption of eight 4-person households. The modernisation of the plant will result in projected savings of around 11 gigawatt hours per year.

Steel that carries energy efficiently.